Getting people to take interest in your data means finding ways to make your data speak.
You’re excited about your data, but no one else around you understands what all the fuss is about. Or you need to find a better way to present your data and make interesting patterns stand out. If you do it right, it can be a game changer for your team and business.
Creating engaging data products and services takes more than one set of skills. And we’ve got them.
Designing interactions and interfaces for data requires more than your usual interaction and interface design. We apply information design concepts and then quickly prototype, test and develop our ideas iteratively to get the right designs for your data.
Since we are user-centric focused, we like to be involved in the entire life cycle of a project. Not only do we design for data projects, we also like to build them. We develop static, interactive and responsive visualizations, dashboards and mobile apps for data. We sometimes like to experiment beyond these realms too.