This is a map of current transit times (before the introduction of the recent Evergreen Line) to Downtown Vancouver across Metro Vancouver, with overlays of the new B-Lines* and rapid transit routes from TransLink's 10-Year-Plan.
* B-Lines are express buses with fewer stops along popular routes
This visualization was inspired by Chris Zetter's Supermarkets and Mapnificent.
Created by Heather Armstrong at Plot + Scatter.
This visualization is not all encompassing and is only a snapshot in time taken on Wednesday December 7th 2016 at 9AM (morning rush hour).
It is for exploratory purposes only and is not trying to make any conclusions. Included areas will be expanded at a later date.
Basemaps from Google Maps were integrated with Leaflet using Leaflet's GoogleMutant plugin.
Sidebar is from a Leaflet sidebar-v2 plugin.
All travel time data is from Google Map's distance matrix API. Coordinates across Metro Vancouver were sourced from DMTI Spatial Inc's CanMap Content Suite through the Abacus Dataverse Network.
This app uses the Google Maps API and all travel data is from Google's Distance Matrix API. Please refer to the Google Privacy Policy.
Users of this application are bound by Google's Terms of Service.
Latest Update: 04.01.2017
Feel free to contact us at heather at plotandscatter dot com for any questions.